Hey everybody!! How’s it going? Hope you’re all gearing up for the 1st Annual Road Less Traveled Science Fair! Iain is extremely excited and can’t wait to see what everyone has been working on. We’ve been pretty busy around here this week and are planning to finish up our projects tomorrow and get them posted on Saturday. We have a baseball game on Saturday morning but I will have all the links up on Saturday afternoon.
Please email me if you’re not going to participate in the fair after all. I’d appreciate it!
Thanks to everyone who is planning to join us and for getting involved. It has thrilled Iain to no end, and me too!
We’re in! Jesse and Gillen will be finished tomorrow but I’ll post the sometime on Sat. We have friends coming this weekend so it’s been a rush to get finished, and doing a science fair project within an unschooling bent has merited a post of its own – that will come later. I’m so glad that you guys created this.
Yeah, I can’t make it. After being sick and having to finish a newsletter and two assignments for my writing courses I just couldn’t do it. I’m kind of bummed… but hey, maybe there will be a second annual science fair next year. 🙂