Wow! What an experience! Iain really loved playing baseball and has told me I don’t know how many times. He has more self-confidence when playing this game when compared to soccer and it’s easy to see that he has really benefitted form this experience. His coach, while one of the worst pitchers I’ve ever seen, was really good about making the kids feel like they make important contributions to the team. I even noticed that he was able to pick out the ones who seem to have low self-esteem and really work hard to build them back up. He is a really sweet guy. Terrible pitcher, but incredibly generous.
Here is a pic of Iain, enjoying the spoils of war:
He has his trophy and a cupcake made by the coach’s son, who was also on the team.
And here is a pic of Iain with his coach:
Iain wasn’t the only one to benefit from baseball this year. Ryan loved going to the games and practices because the kids on Iain’s team had younger siblings with whom he could play. It was great to see them all connect. Also, I was able to reconnect with a girl I graduated with from high school. She was our student body pres and was very nice and down-to-earth then and remains that way today. They are also homeschooling their kids and she and I plan on getting together. Very, very cool.
My parents came and watched Iain play on Saturday and he really liked that. All he could talk about when we left was how great it was to have them there. Both boys have such a close relationship with my parents and I’m really glad for that. My dad told me that he plans to take the boys to a baseball game. In their world, it doesn’t get much better than that!
AWWWWW, way to go Iain!
Loved the cupcake /trophy picture! Glad to hear how much he loved playing. My guys/girl just signed up for T-ball. I am kinda sure they will love it…-K
I also love that trophy / cupcake pic. Just gorgeous.
A good coach can build your kid up so much hey? (Unfortunately though, I’ve been researching how to deal with abusive coaches lately. What a nightmare!)
Glad the season was such a positive one for you all.
I’m so glad that Iain found something he loved. He’s such a great kid!!!!