Today is Ryan’s actual birthday and I woke up this morning feeling totally at peace with life and as a result, we had a beautiful day. When the boys woke up, I asked Ryan what he wanted to do. Since it was his birthday, I let him be in charge of our itinerary for the day. First, he wanted to go to Target. My parents had given him some money in addition to his gifts at his party on Sunday and he was ready to spend it! While we were there, Ryan decided on a Spider-Man action figure from the new cartoon series. He was stoked! After Target, we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things we needed for our next adventure – a picnic in the park!
We packed some sandwiches, chips, pickles, and water for lunch and then we also took along our drawing pads, pencils, and crayons in case we were inspired by our surroundings to draw. I took along a book and of course, my camera. It was a wonderful couple of hours!
Iain asked me to take a picture of these flowers. They were all over the place.
We took a walk on the bike trail and ended up under the bridge, playing in the creek.
After the park, we came home and watched some TV while we waited for Sean to get home from work. Ryan wanted to go out for dinner at a Mexican place so we did. After dinner, we headed back over to Target to run an errand for Sean and then we went to Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream. It was a great night for it, too, because it was 73 degrees today! Many other people had the same idea though so we had a little bit of a wait. What do kids do while waiting?
They entertain themselves, of course!
All in all, we had a wonderful day and it got me thinking. Why can’t we try and treat every day like it’s a birthday? Not necessarily with gifts but with the birthday spirit. Today just felt so light and liberating and my heart was so full of joy because of the joy my children were experiencing. It just made me feel like this should be my goal for every day, to lift our spirits as much as possible. Just a thought!
Hope today was a wonderful one in your world, too!
Happy Birthday Ryan!
I’m so glad ya’ll had such a wonderful day!
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day! Keeping those nature sketchbooks at the ready is something I have to remember to do with my son.
Why, indeed?
that is a great idea…or maybe one day a month each of you (yes parents included) get to have a special day where its all about them and what they like.
My daughters girl scout troop does this in a way. They meet every other week and there is a new girl chosen each week who is the PIG (pretty important girl) the week leading up to the special girls day the other girls work on projects for her to show that they care (could be as simple as a drawing they did out of inspiration of her…or a necklace or art project)
that day the P.I.G. gets to chose the snack they all eat and things like that.
Birthdays are fun because the day is all about you and the people that love you come together to show you just how much you are loved…I agree-why can’t we do that more often?
I love the pictures btw-especially the goofy faces…and sigh, i miss cold stone-all the ones near me shut down this year. sniff sniff
What a great way to spend the day! Thanks for the reminder that everyday is special.