There are some extraordinary folks in this world and it just so happens that many of them read here. I count myself quite lucky to know so many wonderful people and to be able to call them my friends to boot. Everyone has been so kind in offering me encouraging words during my recovery period and it has been so helpful. In that same vein, today there was a package waiting for me on my front porch and I could see from the return address that it was from Carri. immediately I snatched the package up and hurried inside to open it. Oh, how gloriously pleased I was when I saw what was inside! See, Carri is quite handy and talented in ways that I will never be and one of those is knitting. She creates beautiful things and was kind enough to make something for me:
Aren’t they pretty? All of my favorite colors are in there! Ignore the pasty leg and the hideous, cropped sweatpants. I’ve not been a fashion plate of late. I adore these socks and wanted to thank Carri for sending them to me. Gifts made by hand are always special because I know how much work goes into creating them. She also sent me a book called, Julie and Julia which I can’t wait to get started on reading. It was very thoughtful and I appreciate both gifts with my whole heart. Thank you, Carri!
Today has been a rough day for me because I went from feeling great yesterday to being completely worn out today. I’m almost too weak to get off the couch and go to the bathroom even. I did too much yesterday and am paying the price today. When the boys got up, I told them about my situation and they sprang into action:
Iain stood on a stool in front of the cabinets and Ryan brought dishes to Iain for him to put away. Then when that was done, Iain went ahead and loaded dirty dishes into the dishwasher. So sweet!
Now I have to go lie down and take a nap because I’m totally exhausted. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful day!
Evie, your kids are precious!! I just found out I am going to have one of my own. 😉
I looooved Julie and Julia. As much as you like cooking I know you will adore it too. Very fun.
Congratulations!!!!! That is very exciting news!!!! I’m really, really, happy for you!
Evie! Darn! I am bummed that you are down today! But be proud of your little men. They stepped up and helped the mama. They may have only thought they were filling the dishwasher, little did they know your heart was to the brim as well. Feel better-K
K- I was proud! Very much so. You’re right about my heart being full! Today was just a rough day because I was extraordinarily tired. I slept A LOT. LOL
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I go for my two week checkup in the afternoon.
It’s so so sweet when the babes know you’re off, or sad, and they’re tender and soft with us.
I’m glad you’ve had some of that loveliness.
The socks are gorgeous!!
How lovely to receive them.
I’m glad you’re feeling loved all over.
Steph (who lives in cropped lounge pants.)
Steph, LOL I live in mine too. I call it my uniform. Carri did a beautiful job on these socks. They haven’t left my feet today!
It’s cold outside but my friends make it so warm in my heart!
It fills my heart so to make things for others. And even more when those things are appreciated. I’m so happy that you love the socks. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the book.
I’m sorry to hear that you are having a bad day. And how wonderful are those boys? Rest up and you’ll be back to normal before you know it!
Thank you again, Carri! I’ve been staring at my feet all afternoon!
Those socks are beeeeyoutiful!
I’m glad you have such great and understanding helpers for when you need to rest and lay back a bit. (Don’t you love when doctors tell you to ‘rest’ at home?!???!)
Right?? Rest at home. They don’t have kids obviously! LOL I was totally going to try and participate in your contest, too, but am finding that I get tired really fast.
Please have another one so I can join in soon!
Gorgeous socks, and I’m impressed you can let your ankles hang out like that. It’s so cold here I wear a scarf and hat and a blanket wrapped toga-style!
Yer body’s tellin’ ya to take it slow – now listen grrl! 🙂