As I sit here typing up this post, gray clouds have gathered and a gentle rain is falling outside. It is truly my favorite kind of day. Last week brought some big changes to our family, changes that I haven’t really had a chance to tackle here so now I will try to fill you in.
Back in September ’15, my husband was offered a new job Lincolnton, NC which would mean we would have to sell our home in Greensboro and move. It was a great opportunity for him so we decided to accept it and promptly got to work getting our home ready to sell. Can I just tell you that I hope I don’t have to do that again for a very, very long time? My god, it was so much work and so stressful and it’s such a relief to be past that part of the process. After having designed and built our dream kitchen, it was a very bittersweet move for us though. My husband and I always joke that after we do something major to our home and get it just the way we want it, something happens and we move. C’est la vie. 🙂
Today we are in-between homes, currently living in a 3-br apartment near Charlotte, NC with our two teenage boys and two dogs. It has been an adjustment for us all, which probably goes without saying. The last time I lived in an apartment was 1997. That is a LONG time ago! The boys have never done it before now but they seem to be settling in just fine. The biggest hurdles have been getting accustomed to having incredibly noisy upstairs neighbors and having to walk the dogs on the leash as opposed to letting them out the back door when they have to do their business. You have never seen two grown people groan and grumble as much as my husband and I do when the dogs wake up at 6am rearing to get out the door! We scramble to get dressed, grab poop bags, and leash the dogs before someone has an accident. And then there are days like today. Calm, gentle rain softly tapping the street outside, the dogs snuggled up beside me on the sofa, the kind of day where I don’t want to do anything except read a book and sip on some tea. Luckily for me, the next couple of days are going to be like that so that is going to be lovely indeed!
We will be in this apartment for about a month and then we’ll close on our new home, which I’m very excited to show you. If we had to move away from all of our friends and family then I’m happy that it is the home we’ll be in. Until next time, I’ll just be enjoying the rain, walking the dogs, and maybe even doing a little crochet. We’ll see!
Living in an apartment after many years in a house with a garden is baaad. a few years ago I had the insane idea of trying to buy a house. The market was going down so houses were cheaper, I hade a steady job, no debts, so I was a good candidate for a mortgage. Too bad the only places I could have afforded were tiny apartments with a super tiny yard, not a garden. They were cute, and if I was to move in there after all my previous years in an apartment it would have felt like a dream. But I have so much outside space here, no garden feels large enough.
I’m glad you’ll live in a house you like. It is soo important to like where you live. A nice house can totally make up with a not so nice town. Or at least that what happened to me. Can’t wait for you to share pics of your new place! What are you reading? Are you on goodreads?
Your doggies are so cute!!
Thanks, Bobbi! They are super sweet and snuggly and we absolutely adore them! Regarding what you said about having garden space, it really does change the whole feel of a home. It’s hard to beat the feeling you get when you walk outdoors and see glorious treescapes and green space vs your neighbor’s garbage cans. I’m glad to know you have so much outdoor space to enjoy!!
You know, I’m in-between books at the moment. I don’t have any actual books here with me in the apartment but I’m reading something on my kindle on the technical side of blogging. I do have a GoodReads account though! I’ll have to see if I can link to it in the sidebar! Are you on there, too? I’d love some recommendations!!
I’m on it!! I’m totally addicted to Goodreads. after Pinterest I think is the site I visit more. I’m adding you!!
Coming to you from Posie gets cozy! Just had to message you about the uh, well, smell you have been experiencing. We, too, had a great onion smell happening here. The source: a certain 8 year old. Between the more regular use of antibacterial soap on the smelly parts, as well as several tries of new deodorants, we have landed a winner. Mitchum 48 hr, that stuff has cured the stink. Miracle! Really, I am not being paid a cent for this promo, just telling you what finally, to everyone’s relief, nixed the smell. Things are smelling much better around here now!
Laura! Thank you so much for your comment!! I will give that a try. He uses a deodorant now but 90% of the battle is getting him to remember to use it!! Gosh, I really appreciate you taking the time to come by here and let me know about that. I hope you’ll come back by again!
Hi Evie – What an exciting time for you! I can’t wait to see your new home.
I know what you mean about moving – we packed up and moved from Long Island to upstate NY about 3 1/2 years ago and I really don’t want to have to do that again. Though on a positive note, we donated and threw out every single we no longer wanted or needed and only took with us that which we absolutely wanted to keep.
Enjoy the rainy days snuggling with your sweet pups!