Today the boys have been experimenting with the use of force. It began innocently enough with me using the salad spinner to wash and dry some lettuce. From there the boys decided to see how much force was needed to get their “go-carts” down the stairs. They labored for some time over getting the perfect vehicle and used a tape measure to try and get the right-sized container for each driver. Here are some photos of their activities:
It was a very loud activity but they really enjoyed themselves and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them work through it.
After the go-cart game, the boys went into the playroom and were making costumes for their new Mario and Luigi action figures. This was interesting because they were making everything out of paper. It was really heartwarming to sit back and hear them exchanging ideas and complimenting one another on their ingenuity. Of course, there were some disagreements, too but we were able to work them out together. I have found that “being there” is the key when dealing with Ryan and his upsets. It’s so important to be present and catch him before he gets too upset to think straight. We have been able to work through so many things this way and he’s beginning to recognize the behavior and come to me with a problem. It’s not often that he does that yet but it is happening and that’s what is important. Too many parents expect their kids to do so much on their own and for a five year old I just don’t think that’s fair. He still needs my presence to help guide him through the rough spots. Iain needs that kind of help when he’s playing a video game. By being around them as much as I am, we’re able to individualize the attention they receive and help them over an emotional hurdle when presented with one. Were Ryan in school, I know he would be considered a problem because teachers and schools just aren’t equipped to handle situations like that.
We are so fortunate to be able to live life this way and witness the changes in our children and celebrate their successes the moment they happen.
Aaah, Evie.
You and your boys are my heroes.
How could anyone look at your fine example of “what unschooling looks like” and find it lacking?
You demonstrate so beautifully that it’s a wonderful life.
Blessed be, friend.
Thanks, Steph. Your words are exactly what I needed. I’m having a sad, pity-party moment and am trying hard to get past it.
The boys really had a blast doing that today and it my current state it could have driven me crazy had I let it.
Thanks for reminding me what’s important in life – family and friends.
Well, in that case…
Instead of writing you a personal note (that you would feel too embarassed to tack to your forehead or show to your persecutors, should there be any who dare!) Let me state for the record that your family is what we could all be… Should We Have The Courage To Do So!
I am amazed daily from the ingenuity, alacrity, bravery, genious, and sparkliness of your family.
The Boys are so beautifully alive and enthused with life and learning, it amazes me whenever you are feeling a Moment Of Doubt.
Never fear, Friend.
You are choosing a Wonderful Life for those boys, and it is plain to see for any of us that care to take a close enough look!
I’m sorry you’re sad, Darling.
Here’s a big hug and kiss for you, and I hope you feel More The Thing on the morrow.
Love, Steph
Thank you so much, Stephanie!
Can you move here???
I think your doing a great job! Your kids are creative and fun. You can tell that they are really curious about life and you’re giving them the room they need to grow and find their way. Sometimes, I think the biggest lesons that we learn when homeschooling our kids is that we can make it through the really lonely times. Hang in there, it will get better.
Thanks, Sheri! As you can see, doubt can creep in at any time. It’s very sneaky that way.
Thanks so much for your kind words!