If you don’t like reading about medical stuff then this post is not for you. If you’re interested in reading about what’s going on with my medical situation then please, by all means, continue reading.
This morning I went in for two tests. They weren’t bad, some minor discomfort but one test gave up some surprising results. The first test was a vaginal ultrasound to see if I had any fibroid tumors before I went through with the endometrial ablation, which I didn’t think I had. Lo and behold, there was a whopper in there and I had no idea. This presented me with an option that I didn’t need before and which for some is certainly controversial – a hysterectomy. My doctor would leave my ovaries so I wouldn’t go into menopause and he would just remove my uterus. Fibroid tumors can recur and endometrial ablation alone won’t keep that from happening. I’m done with babies so I think I’m leaning towards getting that option. I don’t have a significant attachment to my uterus and frankly would be thrilled to no longer have a period.
The second test was the pee test to see if I am a candidate for the bladder sling. Well no surprise to me that I indeed am so at the same time that they do the hysterectomy I will get the bladder sling, too. This test was incredibly unfun and I will spare you the gory details but, should you ever have to undergo a test like this, please don’t be afraid or nervous about it. It’s uncomfortable at most but not painful at all. Slightly embarrassing but no big deal. In fact, if you suffer from urinary incontinence I would encourage you to check with your doctor to see what your options are. For nearly six years, I’ve been suffering with incontinence and you cannot begin to know how thrilled I am to think that the indignity and embarrassment that accompanies it will be gone.
The really fun part of all this is I will probably get it done before Christmas. See, we’re taking the kids to DW at the end of January and, if I want to be in good shape to go then I need to get it done ASAP. Otherwise, I’ll have to wait until after the trip which puts me into February and I really don’t want to wait that long. Sean and I will talk about it tonight when he gets home so I can call the doctor back on Monday. It will put a bit of a crimp in our Christmas plans but I think it’s best to do it before the trip and not after.
So, that’s what’s new in my world. What’s new in yours? 🙂
Cool, Evie. I am glad you were able to get your tests done safely. I was thinking about you. Not having a period would be really nice!!
Have a good day.
Thanks Marin! It’s been quite a day!
Goodness. Before Christmas?
Fibroids run in my family too. They complicated Lil’Bug’s birth and my recovery. Somehow they are all gone AND the ultrasound tech asked me if I had them surgically removed. Um, no. There are lots of causes, and in my research I found that the hormones in mass produced milk are a huge leading factor. When DD was born we switched to organic and hormone free meat- that’s my only explanation.
Good luck to you with the surgeries!
Wow, MP that’s pretty wild about how yours disappeared. It’s good though! At least you were able to avoid surgery.
I just talked with the scheduling person at my Dr.’s office and it may not happen before Christmas after all. If not, I’ll just have to wait until February, after our trip to Disney World.
I’ll cross my fingers for you to have an early Christmas gift of major abdominal surgery?:)
Oh Evie, I’m happy the tests went well. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you can get the procedures done before Christmas, but if not February really isn’t that far away.
MP – it is at least done vaginally though so I don’t have to worry about an incision and all that jazz. I thank you kindly for your crossed fingers!
You too, Carri! You’re right though Feb isn’t that far off if it doesn’t work out this month.
I’m so glad that you’re on the road to fixing it!
I’m sure it’s all a bit unnerving and scary, but I’m guessing not as bad as living with the alternative!
It sounds like it’s all pretty safe and standard, is that right?
I have no experience with this, though i’ve had (grr) two cesaerians, and “advanced age” 🙂 pregnancy tests. (I was 36 when I had Madd.)
Unnerving,as I said, but not as bad as living in the dark in my opinion!
I hope you’re doing well, and feeling fine.
Much loves and hugs and kisses.
Having had one c-section I was not looking forward to going through that again but since it’s a vaginal procedure I’m thinking that the recovery will not be AS bad. he said I will definitely be uncomfortable and as far as doctors and their euphemisms go, he’s not bad about exaggerating things.
Thanks for your well wishes my friend, they mean a lot to me. 🙂
I’m with you on hysterectomy part…I would love to have my periods be gone!! Sorry you have to go through surgery though but it sounds like you will definitely be better off afterward.
I’m glad that the tests went well and that there are some options taht you can take. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for you over here. Although anything with the word vaginal and recovery makes me cringe. (I had 2 c-sections, nothing has ever come out of that area before. Yikes!)My mom had the procedure for a bladder sling after years of waiting and she loves it! It made all the difference in the world for her. I never realized everything that went along with it, until she experienced it first hand. Good luck! I hope that the talk with Sean went well. 🙂
Alison, I thank you for your kind thoughts as well.
Sheri, I’m SO glad you posted this about the bladder sling! It’s one things I really can’t wait to have done and it’s nice to read from someone I know that it IS a life-changing surgery. Thank you so much for posting your mom’s experience with it.
The talk with Sean did go well, although I did scare him by saying I had a tumor in my uterus. Poor choice of words on my part. He supports me with whatever I choose to do. I love him dearly!
Came across a link to your blog. I’ve had both a hysterectomy and a bladder sling. The bladder surgery was 18 months ago and let me tell you, it was some of the best money we ever spent. My hubby will attest to that! I’d put it off for years because I dreaded the doctor visit more than anything, but it was a piece of cake. In fact, the surgery was the easier I’ve ever had (and I’ve had several) and the recovery was only a few days.
So GO FOR IT. You won’t be sorry.
Hey! Thanks so much for your comment! I’m going ahead getting both done at the same time and will be so relieved to go to the grocery store without buying pee pads and tampons!
I’m glad to hear that you’ve had such wonderful results! Thanks again for leaving your comment.
if you’ve not already been there check out hystersisters.com
I see someone else alreayd posted the hystersisters.com link. I would suggest you search for sling on there and see what comes up, so you can be sure you get information pro and con. I also found this site: http://www.wholewoman.com/ in my search (dealing with prolapse here too) and am finding it to be very informative and helpful. Good luck!
Evie, Was talking to a friend from work today and she mentioned that she read my blog…and then she told me she had to comment on my friend’s blog about her bladder surgery even though she’s never commented on mine! LOL! She’s “anonymous” up there. And if she says it’s OK, I am sure it is. Hope you’ll be able to get it over with soon.
Jessie! That is TOO funny! Can you ask her a question for me? What was the hysterectomy recovery like? I’m going to email this to you, too.