See? There I go again with a musically inspired post title. It’s a sickness and I just can’t help myself.
Well, I’d like to thank you all for your awesome support and all the wonderful advice I received here after my post on Monday. Some of it was a kick in the pants and some of it was stuff that was in my head already and needed to hear someone affirm it for me. The suggestion was made that I read a book called, Raising A Spirited Child, and it is a book that I’ve actually been meaning to read. Perhaps this incident at the ball game was a call to action. A reminder that it’s something that needs to be done sooner rather than later. Whatever the case may be, it’s on my to-do list for this weekend. Also, another suggestion was to read at “Living Joyfully” and I actually have read it before. Perhaps I need a refresher course!
I think the biggest issue was with planning. We hadn’t accounted for the potential of Ryan being upset at the game and as a result of our poor planning, everything went to hell in a handbasket rather quickly. It definitely taught me that no matter what, I cannot put my desires before Ryan’s needs. I’m not always good at doing that but I’m human and am going to eff things up from time to time. Things have been going much more smoothly since Sunday and I think with some extra consideration on my and Sean’s parts they will continue to improve. You can rest assured that we will keep you updated!
Ok, so has it really been so many days since my last post? Geez. Time is traveling by me at a frightening rate of speed and it feels like so many things are just passing me by. It’s tough because I have a lot of irons in the fire at the moment and I find that juggling all of them is pretty tricky stuff. It’s been eons since I’ve been by anyone’s blog so this weekend will be spent catching up. Again.
Our plan that I had posted about a week or so ago has really gone out the window. It just wasn’t working at all so now, we’re back to going with the flow. It’s funny because one of the things I had been worried about was how much, or how little, exposure to math Iain was getting. As usual, whenever I begin to worry about something, Iain shows me that I have nothing to worry about. It seems like math has been all around us this week. Iain has been talking about percents and fractions, and, not in a schooly way, but with real-life situations. His ability to calculate things rapidly in his head takes me by surprise every time because it’s something I still can’t do. Ryan has been obliging his artistic muse lately and oh, how I love to see him creating! He has a wonderful imagination and drive to make things for himself when he doesn’t have something he needs. He makes capes for his action figures all the time and loves to draw pictures. He has incredible attention to detail and loves to display his handiwork! It has been a busy but a wonderful week!
Today, we headed out to a park with my sister and Makena and had a really great time. Well, except for the 20 minutes that I got trapped listening to a total stranger tell me about her troubled daughter. Geez louise. That was agony. But the kids managed to have fun and in between hearing the woman’s story and listening to her cry I was able to snap a few photos of the kids.
Makena wasn’t sure she wanted to go down the slide by herself so Iain accompanied her. They are all as close as siblings and I love it!
Thanks again for all the great comments on Monday. You are the best group of people on the internet!!
I know what you mean about time flying. I read your last post and had every intention of returning to comment and did not.
Now that my kids are older I’m guilty of trying to put some of my needs/wants first then getting frustrated when it doesn’t work out. Then again mine will be flying the coup soon and it is important for me to start having my own life again.
I hope things continue well for you and the family.
Thanks, Joan! I hope all is well with you, too. 🙂