It’s time for yet another peek into my life as a teenager during the 80’s. This next poem is one I wrote for my 11th grade creative writing class. In fact, it was written as a joke, with little thought at all. The joke was on me though because my teacher really liked it. For your reading pleasure, friends, I give you, “Loose Ends”.
Loose Ends
All of it so carefree,
Nowhere to go but in circles.
Surrounded for its life by porcelain
With Brass instruments playing
the music hot and cold.
They lie there so lonely
After their body is gone;
The lukewarm tub offering
Little comfort.
In comes Mother with
Lysol and Comet to wash the
Reddish-blonde dreams
Down the drain.
March 1988
Man, I sure know how to abuse some punctuation don’t I? If it’s not a period or a question mark then I probably don’t know how to use it correctly. LOL Funny considering my life’s goal was to be an English teacher…
Evie, You write good poetry. I just never understood how to do it…
That is pretty funny that your life’s goal was to be an english teacher. Good thing you changed goals!
Thanks, Marin, that’s very nice of you to say! I think the last poem I wrote was in ’94 or ’96. I was only inspired to write when unhappy. My cheerful poems seemed trite to me.