as I write this post an amazing rainfall is happening right outside my window. It’s absolutely pouring out there and it looks like I’m sitting behing the curtain of a waterfall in some fantastically lush, tropical locale. But I’m not. Just sitting here in my “office”, watching the rain fall on the other side of the windowpane. It makes for a dramatic backdrop. It is my favorite kind of rain. Heavy, big, fat droplets barreling down from the sky. Makes me yearn for a screened porch so I could sit out there while the rain comes down and catch the scent of the water mixed with the metallic screen. You know that smell, the one we all know from turning on the hose in summertime and smelling the wet spigot. A lovely, lovely rain! But that’s not why I’m writing today. I’m writing because I finally feel we are getting our groove back here and that is an amazing feeling. Here are a few of the things we’ve been up to…
A couple of months ago our big tv finally kicked the bucket. When we got a new one, we had to figure out how to dispose of its predecessor. Well, naturally, curious people decided it would be fun to take the old one apart and see what made it tick! Out came screwdrivers galore and each of the boys (husband included) claimed a spot behind the old tv. They got to work right away and had such a blast looking at all the different pieces.
Sean, being the technically minded person that he is, was able to tell the boys what most of the parts did. Ryan found one piece particularly interesting, said it reminded him of a city! In fact, he pointed out all the landmarks he found. It was pretty cool. 🙂 Iain really enjoyed using the tools and figuring out how to get the tv apart. You’d think it would be pretty straight-forward but, it wasn’t. Iain got right in there and sorted it all out though. I just sat back and took pictures, enjoying seeing all three of them working together on something like that.
In other news, lately my stomach has been giving me drama. Who needs that?? Well, it looks like I’m having my gallbladder removed in the next couple of weeks. : / It’s something that I’ve really been wrestling with. By making some major, lifelong changes to my diet I MIGHT be able to feel comfortable. So far, that hasn’t been the case for me so I have opted for the surgery instead. It isn’t without it’s cons either but I’ll spare you the unpleasant possibilities. You’re welcome. 🙂 I just can’t imagine my life without being able to eat things like this:
White, fluffy biscuits. Warm, golden, flaky. Straight out of the oven. Smothered with cherry preserves. I mean, really. Nothing says “weekend morning” to me more than that. And, I’m no Julia Child in the kitchen but I can make up a batch of the lightest, most heavenly biscuits you’ve ever eaten. Come by sometime and I’ll make some for you!
In an effort to make our home feel more homey, I’ve been trying to keep it tidy and have lovely things around us. Nothing big deal, something like fresh flowers on the table. I bought some hydrangeas at the grocery store and they have lasted a really good while! Over a week and they still look like they did the day I brought them home! Here is a picture I took of them with my macro lens, can’t decide if I like color or b&w better. I’ve been in a b&w mood lately!!
For Mother’s Day, the boys got me a beautiful rosebush that really needs to be planted asap. Look at this gorgeous bloom. My fingers brushed across it when I was getting ready to take this picture and the petals were so soft! They felt just like my Grammy’s skin. She has the softest hands and they feel just like rose petals! Just beautiful.
Today has been sort of a lazy day. We all slept in and then took our time being awake for the day. After lunch, we headed out to our sailboat for a Father’s Day reconnaissance mission. See, last summer, Sean bought this boat.
He spent most of last summer making her operational and only this year have we really been able to enjoy it. The boat is from the early 80’s and the curtains that came with it had long since seen better days. I want to make new ones for him but, I’m not sure that’s going to be possible. We’ll see!! I ordered some really neat fabric that is navy blue with white ropes and red knots on it and think that would look good inside. I’ve got to get together with my mom to see if she can help me with it though.
The rest of the day the boys have been playing together on their computers. Skype is a beautiful thing. They can both play the same game together online and chat with each other while they’re doing it. I can hear them in their rooms now and it’s such a joy to hear them having fun with each other. Yesterday I told Sean how happy I am that they are such good friends. Would they be this close if they were both in school? I can’t say for sure but I do have my doubts. They play so well together and I just love that.
Now I’m here in my office, looking out the window at the sky which is beginning to fill with sunshine. The clouds have parted and the rain has stopped. I bet it’s pretty humid out there so for the time being, I will stay indoors and just enjoy the view. Even if this is my view. LOL
It can’t all be picture perfect. 🙂
See you next time!
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