Yay! It took almost all winter to get here but we finally got a substantial snow here in NC. Oh, snow had flirted with us a couple of times but this snow was the one we had been waiting for. You know the kind I’m talking about, where the whole world is muffled due to the thick fluffy cover of snowflakes. So beautiful! My youngest son and I went out that morning and walked down to the lake (cough, cough, really a big pond) that is near our house. Gosh, it was really gorgeous down there. There wasn’t anyone else out so we had the whole view to ourselves and it was blissful.
What else is going on ’round here? Well, let’s see. I have been working on an afghan for my youngest son for the last couple of weeks and have really been enjoying it. I was inspired by this post at Stix on the Beach and got to work on my own version of the crochet style she was using. It’s so relaxing to sit and crochet row after row of pretty colors and I find myself putting off other (important!) things to crochet instead. This is the blanket I’m working on for my son, just simple rows of single crochet.
Oh, and here is a picture of my favorite breakfast in the whole world right now, sunny-side-up egg and home-made hash browns. Cooking is not my strong suit but I have really mastered cooking the perfect egg, hash browns, and biscuits. If you’re interested I can share my recipes in another post soon. These hash browns are SO GOOD!!
This past weekend I got to stretch my photographer legs a little bit and take pictures of a friend of mine and her baby. It has been so long since I did it professionally but boy was it fun! We got some really adorable photos and she’s a really happy little thing, too. Here is one of my faves that we captured. Isn’t she adorable?!
Well, I hope all has been wonderful in your world lately and that Spring is just around the corner for all of us! I think we’re all ready for some warm temps and sunshine now!
Wow! I picked the perfect post to read to start my morning!
That breathtaking blanket of snow! Those beautiful color combinations in your crochet blanket! That delicious-looking breakfast! The adorable baby! Be still, my heart!
GAH! You know what I just discovered about my afghan?? I have been goofing up the edges the whole time. It looks like an hour glass right now. LOL!!! I’m not going to stop because it’s more than halfway there but dang!! Oh well, I know what not to do on the next one. 🙂
Great photos, Evie. Your world looks beautiful covered in a blanket of snow.
Eggs and home fries for breakfast – looks delicious. I sometimes make that for dinner too because we like it so much. I love your blanket and your beautiful baby picture.
WOW!! You live in a wonderful place. And…near a lake! Lovely, lovely pictures. I live in a place with a climate of its own. when in the nearby town, which is just 1,5 km away it’s snowing, around my home there’s a real ice storm. If in the town is raining, we’re having monsoons. But not this year. This year just a few snowflakes fell around my house, while EVERYWHERE else they had meters and meters of snow! Ha! But I actually missed snow this year, I love it so much. In manageable doses.
Yes! The sides can be tricky when finding the right chain from the hook, especially while changing colors. I’ve also discovered when changing colors, crochet about two stitches on the new row, then GENTLY pull the yarn tails of the previous color and new color to help give stability to the sides. When you pull, you’ll see it tightening up, just don’t ‘bunch’ it up. Hope that makes sense. 🙂
That snow is so WHITE! Since we’ve had none at all this winter, I had forgotten how serenely still and pure a good dumping of snow actually is. I have been working on perfecting my biscuits, so yes, please share your recipe with us!
Ok, Cassadie! I will share my biscuit recipe in my next post!!!
Evie, Kim here from the class. What part of NC? We are in Northern CA now, but still own a home in Western NC near the NC/SC border. It’s smack in the middle of horse country, which is why we built there. It’s rented now. It’s in an equestrian/lake community. We love NC.
Kim, we’re in Greensboro, pretty much in the middle of the state! How glorious to have a home in western NC!! I would love that.