What is it with me and the musically themed post titles lately? I don’t know. I just can’t help myself, I guess. Well, this week was sort of a bust for me personally. I had all these plans lined up and they fell through because a cold whipped through here and knocked me flat on my backside. It’s so weird because I get MAYBE one cold a year and it’s usually not very bad but this one definitely fell under the heading “severe cold”. Thankfully, I’m much better now and things can get back to our version of normal.
In spite of my being down for the count this week, the boys managed to find ways to entertain themselves and their capacity for doing so never ceases to amaze me. This week was all about the legos. Sometimes their focus is on video games or some new TV show but for now, they are loving the legos. Both of them worked on creating Marios that looked like the original Mario from Donkey Kong. Here are the versions they came up with and I think they look pretty darn good, if I say so myself.
And here are the creative geniuses behind these projects:
Frankly I was incredibly impressed with their ability to make this pixelated version of Mario and think they did an amazing job of replicating him.
yesterday, we met with some friends that we hadn’t seen in a while and what a wonderful time we had! Here they all are together right as the Kid Mosh was breaking up:
The boys’ mom and I were friends when Ryan was in preschool so it was so good to sit down and catch up with each other!
Last night we went to a ball game which I’m going to write about tomorrow. We had an issue and I just can’t think clearly enough to write about it yet.
Today, Sean took the boys for haircuts and they look soooo cute! They love to wear their hair spiky!
Tonight they are going to my MIL’s house for a party she’s hosting for my BIL. I am not going, not for the reasons you might suspect but my sister and I have been planning a Girls’ Night together for at least 2 months. her hubby has to work all night and so we’ve got an evening of tearjerkers lined up! We’re watching “Definitely, Maybe” and “PS I Love You”. I’m already weepy today so undoubtedly it’s going to be a sobfest over there!
Sorry for the delayed absence this week. It was a rough one! I’ll be back tomorrow to write about our “issue”.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
The black and white is gorgeous!
And the legos are fantastic!
Thanks, Steph! B&W is quickly becoming my favorite.
The boys’ LOVE legos. I wish you could go to a store and buy some without having to buy, say, a SpongeBob set, or airport set or whatever. It’s hard to find just bricks.
Hi there Evie,
I love that black and white pic too – you’ve captured the boys in such a natural state.
Hope that your “weep-fest” goes well 🙂
Love the black and white….a lot!